a late morning visit to the best (and most affordable!) Korean BBQ in town - 식객 (ssikkek), which means "La Grand Chef" ^^
식객ってNovenaやTanjongPagarにも支店があるそうだけど、あんま人で込んでない、気楽に食事できるところがいいので、人里離れたビルにあるBras basahの支店を昼下がりにお邪魔しました。
では、早速っっお肉お肉お肉!! あ、食べ放題ですよ\(^∇^)/
lucky to have no lessons that day, i had a nice girls-day-out with jes-chan. ssikkek has many outlets (in novena, tanjong pagar etc) but being quiet off-the-track hideout lovers, we went to the secluded Bras basah outlet ^^ the restaurant run by a korean couple fits up to about 100 people.
now, be prepared for a spam of delicious korean food!
牡蠣も美味しかったぁぁー ww
for meats, they had marinated chicken, non-marinated pork belly and pork collar, marinated and non-marinated pork and beef! as for vegetables, there were golden mushrooms, kimchi, corn, cucumbers and salad. oh oh, did i forget the mussels?? www
the kimchi rice is a MUST TRY! its the best i've ever tried in town. if you mix all these together, voila! you have a lovely bibimbap ^^
korean dolls decorated the buffet area while posters of pretty girls and lanky boys were pasted along the windows. it was funny how we looked upon the celebrities and think "how i wish i have those lanky legs..." while stuffing ourselves right up to the oropharynx x)
何皿も取ったよ私!! i cant count the number of plates i took hehe...
the grill gets stained after a number of barbeque rounds but the shop manager (a nice korean couple) would come to change it for you! what great service!
よく焼いて上がれーwww sizzle sizzle....
besides the kimchi rice, my favourite side dish: candied sweet potatoes!
its soft, warm and... sweet. if only it wasnt carbs, i could eat it all day for the rest of my life..
まさかここで恐怖を克服することもできたなんてwww おじさんありがとう!
some time through, the shopkeeper ajusshi came to us and said "wait wait, you need alittle something..." and he went and came back with a small dish in his hands. it was raw garlic and some bean sauce. "you have to add these to make it nicer. try it!" ajusshi said with a smile.having garlicphobia, i hesitated before trying the new combination..
but lo and behold, it was good! the garlic didnt have a strong smell as expected and it complimented the BBQ-ed meat well. never knew i could conquer a fear that very day ^^
韓国人の真似w 野菜でお肉やキムチやソースを挟んで一気に食べること!
dining like a korean. BBQ meat and sauces in veggie wrap!
シッゲの秘密兵器は… スイカ! 冷たくて甘いスイカ!
as if knowing that one's tastebuds would be sensitised after eating BBQ meat for a long time, ssikkek had a fresh cuts corner. their secret weapon is... cold juicy watermelon! it was so icy and full of sweet juice that if i added up all the slices i had, it would total up to half a whole big watermelon.
and that was, my "prosperous" afternoon... ^^